CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP is a part of the universal Christian
church. We have much in common with other denominations of the Christian
Faith. We welcome all those of traditional denominations to follow us
as we follow Christ.
We believe in the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Spirit.
We believe God's Grace touches all of humanity. It is the power of His Grace
that brings us to this conscience of knowledge of His presence in our
life and in everything in the universe. Only because of His perfect and
amazing Grace, we are moved from non-believers to believers.
We believe the believer expresses his/her commitment to God by holy
living and discipleship.
We believe God is our foundation, our center, and our power. He have
the power and authority over all our personal, national and
inter-national affairs.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the guiding force and Christ is the
director. The Holy Spirit manifests in the new-births and brings a
person to understanding his/her journey with God John 1:14-17.
We believe God's love is universal and is express through the believer
every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month and every
year, as years come and go.
We believe the Bible is the living Word of God which leads us to good works.
We believe in 'growing in faith,' not in fear.
We believe in 'living in faith,' not in doubt.
We believe the Word of God and the ministry of THE Gospel of Christ should never be compromise.
We believe the Divine Triune Counsel works in unity and has determined the likeness for mankind (Gen.1: 26-28).