Thinking about becoming a member! Welcome to CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP Non-Denominational CHURCH !!! E-mail our trustee at and he will give you an appointment to speak with our pastor. You may join our church publicly or privately. Becoming a member is easy, there are three ways you may be accepted: 1. We accept you as a member, if you profess your faith in Christ, and go through the act of baptism in the manner of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 2. We will accept you as a member, if you have been baptized by any Christian Church. 3. We'll accept associate membership, if you do not wish to move your membership from a church that is a great distant from where you reside or (deteriorate/impair spiritual growth), than you may become an associate member of Christian Community Fellowship. When you join, we expect your commitment to the universal church by: * allowing Jesus Christ to be not only your Savior but also lord over your life and all your affairs. * embrace His grace, mercy, promises, and love. * tame your ego (decrease so that your character may have the opportunity to increase in Him). * make a sincere promise to yourself to regress from all paths that lead to unrighteousness but regenerate all paths to righteousness. * follow CCF pathways as we follow Jesus Christ's, by the giving of your time in studying God's Word, by your kindness, participation, presence, talents, gifts, and your testimony. We are an on-line
ministry however, we are here for you.